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The Intermediary Ambassador Network (IAN)

Discover how becoming a IAN volunteer can help grow skills programmes in your business

What is the Intermediary Ambassador Network (IAN)

The Intermediary Ambassador Network (IAN) is a community of enthusiastic volunteers from organisations all over England who support apprenticeships, T Levels, Skills Bootcamps, and other skills programs offered by the Department for Education (DfE).

Some represent industry sectors such as construction, engineering and retail, others support their local economy by representing businesses within a geographical area.

We seek to grow an inclusive network of ambassadors covering all industry sectors and localities within England.

What do Intermediary Ambassadors do?

Intermediary Ambassadors make a valuable contribution to the reputation of skills programmes by:

• promoting technical education through employer networks and other intermediary organisations

• sharing first-hand accounts and experiences of skills programmes

• showcasing examples of how businesses have benefitted from engaging with technical education

• celebrating events and initiatives such as National Apprenticeship Week and National Apprenticeship Awards

• providing valuable insight from the business community back to DfE.

Intermediary Ambassador’s commitment

Your work will make a huge contribution to the reputation of the skills programmes.

Our ambassadors commit to work with DfE colleagues to receive and share important news and information about the range of skills offers in England.

To ensure you are kept up to date, you will be invited to attend quarterly online IAN meetings and an annual in-person event in addition to regular DfE skills communications.

The benefits of joining the IAN

Some of the benefits of joining the IAN include:

• becoming part of a national network of trusted and influential Intermediary Ambassadors

• having the opportunity to input to skills plans and policies on behalf of your own network of contacts

• join the IAN LinkedIn group to grow your network and share best practice

• having the opportunity to highlight your role as an important intermediary organisation and ambassador through the IAN's social media channels.

Join the Intermediary Ambassador Network

If you would like more information about joining the IAN, email:

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